Written by Ardian Noviarsi, December 22, 2020

Nowadays, one of the biggest challenges for futures traders is being consistently profitable. Unfortunately, for most traders this goal remains elusive, to the point where a lot of them are asking if it is possible at all to make regular profits. In Fact, any trader can be consistently profitable by futures trading if they follow these simple techniques:

  1. Focus on Process, Never Focus be Profitable

    For now, if you want to be a Profitable Trader, don’t focus in being profitable. Although, you may think this sound like paradoxical and contradictory, in fact the basic principle behind this idea it means “Traders who focus only on profits are never profitable because they behave impulsively”. They take the short-term point of view and, because of this fact, they start to become desperate when they are not profitable at once. Instead of thinking about profits, focus instead on improving your trading techniques. The better of a trader you become, the more profitable you will be over the long-term. Both Technical or Fundamental Analysis are very important to make a good signal in futures market. You’ll have to keep learning and never give up to become a good trader.

    Quality is much better than quantity in trading, never trade for the sake of trading. One of the biggest mistakes as beginner traders is to over-trade, it means that they feel they have to trade every day as trading was their job. But more of experienced and wiser traders don’t know how much you trade but how effectively you trade. One winning trade could beat ten trades in which you lose or break even. On the other hand, make a good trading plan in which you formulate guidelines for when to trade as well as rules for entering and exiting a position. In addition, you also need to develop the self-discipline to stick to your system and don’t not behave emotionally when things don’t go the way you planned.
  2. Traders Must be able to See the Market in the Long Run

    Those who don't want to take the “pain” of loss, are not worthy of trading. It is very important for traders to remember that they will not be profitable all the time. There are times when they may encounter a series of losing trades. What is important is how profitable they are in the long-term. Instead focusing on panic when you have losing trades, better focus on learning from it. Accepting that losing is important too. Then, you must understand what causes that loss and fix it. What is important is being able to identify winning trades that will make you enough profit to make up for your losses.

    There are dozens of ways we manage losses, but there is no way to avoid them. Even a great trader like Gema Goeyardi still has some problems in his trading. He sometimes accidentally made mistakes, but people still admit it right? So, you don't need to worry about losing or making mistakes. Face everything calmly.
  3. Being Strict to Money Management

    Although most of trader realize that one of the success factors in trading is very dependent on managing loss and profit carefully, but money management factors are actually more often ignored. Compared to the selection and use of indicators, statistics, analysis, and strategies, many traders still do not realize the importance of the performance of a money management. The main problem is usually faced by a beginner trader is loss, they will then assume that the strategy or analysis they are using does not seem to help much. In fact, the cause of failure could have come from an inadequate money management arrangement. Therefore, studies and practices regarding the money management method are very much needed and must be the main requirement. Money management teaches us how to manage losses and maximize profits.

    A significant number of successful traders who have faced a lot of losses are able to maintain their existence because of the use of money management. Just imagine, if a trader does not have any arrangements then in some mistakes they will lose big and not be able to rise from failure. Meanwhile by implementing good money management, traders will be able to survive even though on their way they have tripped over mistakes that make it loss. But because of the amount of losses and potential profits they have set in such a way as to implement a strict Money Management, the account of the trader will still be able to survive the failure that is already reasonable accompanying his journey. The worst traders are those who treat futures trading as if it were gambling. When they traders, they use their instincts to determine when to enter and exit a position. Instead, create a trading plan that defines the “rules” that determine when you will trade as well as when to enter and exit a trade.


  • So, There are simple techniques that can guide you to become more profitable traders in futures market. Avoid the biggest challenges and being consistent, that is sustainable with your trading system and plan. 
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