
Astronacci Goes To Surabaya

admin, May 21, 2016

Astronacci mengadakan Meet and Greet bersama para member yang bertempat di Shaburi All you can eat di Galaxy Mall.

Para member lunch bersama sebelum market briefing dan melakukan tanya jawab.

Dihadiri lebih dari 20 orang dan mereka antusias untuk bertemu dan sharing mengenai trading mereka bersama President & Founder Astronacci International Gema Goeyardi.

Kali ini Gema Goeyardi membahas materi sebagai berikut:

  1. Kenaikan Suku Bunga The FED.
  2. Indo Economy and IHSG.
  3. Sun Jupiter Cycle for Gold and Banking Stocks.
  4. How to Make 40% in just 14 Days

Thank you for all ACLUB, CAT, UOB KayHian, and MRG Premiere. You are the BEST!

Hello trader tunggu kedatangan Astronacci ke kota - kota Anda.

Make your dream comes true

Welcome To Thailand, The Land of Smiles! Welcome To Thailand, The Land of Smiles! Welcome To Thailand, The Land of Smiles! Welcome To Thailand, The Land of Smiles! Welcome To Thailand, The Land of Smiles! Welcome To Thailand, The Land of Smiles!

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